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 A unified platform to connect brands, distributors and retailers for seamless B2B eCommerce
B2B eCommerce

If you are still dependent on your traditional offline model of operations, it is time to digitize.

B2B operations are very complex, with multiple stakeholders and dependencies. Brands often have little or no visibility or control over the full downstream network. For distributors and retailers, order placement is still a manual, effort intensive process. Finally, the lack of real time and actionable market data can impact growth potential. 

Graas’ pioneering B2B eCommerce solution enables online commerce between distributors, retailers and the brand. 

A custom store to suit your business needs

Brand Identity B2B
Brand Identity

Build a store that reflects your brand identity

  • A better way to tell the brand story

  • Increase brand recall and loyalty

B2B B2C Multichannel Selling
B2B, B2C or Hybrid

Offer a seamless experience through a unified platform

  • Serve B2B business owners, or B2C end customers, or combine both

  • Single seller or multi seller marketplace

  • Single brand or multi brand store

 Distributor & Retailer
Custom User Group

Offer tailored buyer journeys for user group segments based on different criteria

  • Type (Distributor, Retailer, etc.)

  • Volume vs value

  • Geography

The best in class features

Digital Product Catalogue B2B
Digital product catalogue

Organize and list your brands, product categories, and individual SKUs

Differential Pricing B2B
Differential pricing

Offer bulk ordering, slab based pricing and volume based discounts for different groups

Shopping cart
Shopping cart and checkout

Intuitive and hassle free checkout process for a positive customer experience

Multi Seller Marketplace B2B
Sophisticated multi seller marketplace

Onboard as many sellers and SKUs as required

Order fulfilment Distributor & Retailer
Geography based order fulfilment

Service orders in different geographies through local sellers

Chatbot & Whatsapp for B2B
Chatbot and WhatsApp based engagement

Facilitate support during and post purchase

Third party integrations
3rd party integrations

Standard APIs to keep data in sync with payment gateway, ERP, CRM, SCM, WMS and logistics  systems

B2B Multi-lingual and Multi-currency
Multi lingual and multi currency

Detect country and display the store in specific language and price in specific currency

B2B Payment Options
B2B payment options (credit based)

Payments directly to sellers or centrally via brand

Robust and scalable technology

IT infrastructure management
IT Infrastructure

Hosting, database, load balancing, auto scaling, cloudwatch monitoring and CDN

Website Performance Optimization
Website Performance

Automated health-checks, site uptime and page load speed monitoring

Security and Firewall
Security And

GDPR compliant, PCI DSS Compliant. Regular 3rd party penetration testing

Technology Upgrades

Regular product enhancements to keep the eCommerce technology cutting edge

Support and Maintenance
Support And

Ongoing tech support for regular online stores operations

Integrated store
and analytics

Leverage Graas’ predictive AI engine that harnesses data from your online store to identify opportunities for growth.

  • Customer analytics

  • Product analytics

  • Customizable dashboards

  • AI driven insights

  • Automated recommendations

AI in ecommerce B2B
Premika Chandrasekaran | Head eCommerce Schneider

"Schneider Electric India has seen a consistent multi-fold growth YoY since 2020 through the eShop. Being our technology partner, Graas has played a vital role in this success. They have built a scalable and reliable eCommerce platform to support Schneider's evolving business needs."

Premika Chandrasekaran

Head eCommerce, Schneider Electric 

Want to kickstart your B2B eCommerce
digitization journey?

By submitting my business information, I understand and agree that Graas may collect, process, and retain my data pursuant to the Graas Privacy Policy. 

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